
The main analysis cpu modules

Domestic small PLC is facing another important constraint is the product of the market. PLC applications suitable for 90% of industrial and domestic applications of small businesses PLC about 20,000 , more than 90% are SMEs. Faced with such a fragmented market , domestic enterprises must micro smart plc  effectively organize planning traditional sales activities. The author believes that strong marketing and foreign multinational companies are different, domestic enterprises should be on break point to end customers . We are pleased that we visited customers , about 90 percent of customers to accept the concept of domestic PLC , 50% of customers are willing to try the product , especially in the procurement process more efficient private enterprises, from the trial to be able to quickly batch procurement. From our survey, we can  plc controllers see that these companies are most concerned about is not the brand, but the product performance and stability , the product is available once they are convinced it will not hesitate to use domestic PLC, because of their own production facilities and foreign products are competition. cpu modules small PLC is the product of a high degree of product , foreign multinational companies have decades of operating history , a major international supplier ranking PLC hardly changed over the past decade . Faced with such a mature , stable plc digital output  market , domestic enterprises are facing difficulties can imagine , on the technology , products, brands , marketing , finance, human resources , quality, service and other factors that constitute the business chain , each link needs to carefully treatment, the risk of any one link will cause the whole chain breaks .

